Using JMP > Reshape Your Data > Virtually Join Data Tables > Example of a Link ID and a Link Reference on a Single Column
Publication date: 06/27/2024

Example of a Link ID and a Link Reference on a Single Column

Suppose that employee data is available in multiple JMP data tables and can be linked together by a single column that has both a Link ID and a Link Reference property. To see an example of how the data tables are set up, follow these steps:

1. Select Help > Sample Data Folder and open Employee

Note: In the Employee Id column’s Link Reference column property, the Auto Open option is selected to automatically open two other tables, Education and Predicted They appear in the Home Window’s Window List.

Employee has information about each employee.

Education has the information about the education of each employee.

Predicted has job performance information about each employee.

2. Open Predicted from the Home Window’s Window List.

Notice that the Employee Id column has a Link ID column property.

Figure 6.41 Link ID Column Property 

Link ID Column Property

3. In Employee, select the Employee Id column and select Columns > Column Info.

Figure 6.42 Link ID and Link Reference Column Properties in Employee 

Link ID and Link Reference Column Properties in Employee

Notice that the column has a Link ID column property and a Link Reference to Education

In the data table’s Columns list, the Link Reference icon Image shown here and Link ID icon Image shown here appear next to the Employee Id column.

4. Open Education from the Home Window’s Window List.

5. Select the Employee Id column and select Columns > Column Info.

Figure 6.43 Link ID and Link Reference Column Properties in Education 

Link ID and Link Reference Column Properties in Education

As shown in Figure 6.43, Employee Id has a Link ID column property and a Link Reference to Predicted

Figure 6.44 Linked Data Tables 

Linked Data Tables

The Employee Id column of Employee references Education, which then references Predicted All data are available through virtual join from the main data table, Employee


Auto Open in a column’s Link Reference property specifies whether the linked table is automatically opened when the main data table is opened.

If referenced columns are unhidden when the data table is saved, those referenced columns are automatically linked and unhidden when the table is opened.

When you close the data tables, it is a best practice to close the main table first (Employee, because there is a link between that table and all the others. Closing them in a different order might display a prompt indicating that the table that you are closing has other windows open. You might want to cancel and consider saving and closing your tables in a different order.

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