The Functional Data Explorer platform is available only in JMP Pro.
The Functional Data Explorer (FDE) platform is designed for data that are functions, signals, spectra, or series. It can be used as an exploratory data analysis tool or as a dimension-reduction technique.
Data preprocessing tools are available in the FDE platform, including several types of transformations for output data and alignments for input data. A functional model is created by fitting a basis expansion model to the data. When a model is fit, functional principal components analysis (functional PCA) is automatically performed on the functional model. There are also several option to perform functional principal components analysis directly on the data, without fitting a basis function model first. Results from the functional PCA, such as the functional principal component scores, can be saved to a separate data table for feature extraction or dimension reduction.
The FDE platform also contains options for design of experiments (DOE). Using one of the DOE options, you can model features of the functional data using the supplementary variables that were specified in the launch window. This enables you to use the model fit to determine how the functional response changes based on the supplementary variables.
Figure 16.1 B-Spline Model Selection in FDE