Publication date: 06/27/2024


Model Product Deterioration over Time

Use the Degradation platform to analyze degradation data and produce pseudo failure times. These pseudo failure times can then be analyzed by other reliability platforms to estimate failure distributions.

Both linear and nonlinear degradation paths can be modeled. You can specify an accelerating factor to analyze accelerated degradation data.

You can also perform stability analysis, which is useful when setting pharmaceutical product expiration dates.

Figure 16.1 Degradation Analysis Example 

Degradation Analysis Example


Overview of the Degradation Platform

Example of the Degradation Platform

Launch the Degradation Platform

The Degradation Platform Reports

Model Specification

Simple Linear Path
Nonlinear Path

Inverse Prediction

Prediction Graph

Degradation Platform Options

Degradation Model Summary Reports

Model List

Custom Destructive Degradation Models

Stability Analysis in the Degradation Platform

Additional Examples of the Degradation Platform

Example of Accelerated Destructive Degradation
Example of Stability Analysis

Statistical Details for the Degradation Platform

Statistical Details for Stability Analysis in the Degradation Platform
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